Doctor Acorn 2Dual CatMika Candy AdventureBlock the PigFluffy CuddliesLost YetiMadZOOngNinja MousePet Party ColumnsPicnic PenguinRope MasterCactu-Sama3 MiceBrain Test 2: Tricky StoriesBrain Test 3: Tricky Quests4 Pics 1 WordExceptionsCats DropDuo SurvivalDuo Survival 2Duo Survival 3
Duo VikingsDuo Vikings 3Heart StarPartyToonsZOOM-BEZOOM-BE 2duo-vikings-2Blocky GoalBomb BlastCat Room BlastCrawlers BalanceCube QuestLight BounceMorpheusMultislideOdd BotOne CutPainty TumblerPlumbingPushboxRollerRotixSkillteamThis Side UpTower of HanoiTumbleTumble IITurn The WorldTurnboxVoidZen BlocksBombHopperBlock ToggleCard HogDetective Loupe PuzzleLife - The GameLife: The Game - Stay SafeLinQuestOld TowersTotal Party KillYokai DungeonBecome a Puppy GroomerBouncy WoodsCats Love CakeCrossy RoadEmoji HuntFox AdventurerFrostwingKittygramLovely FoxMy Pony My Little Race


Doctor Acorn 3 is a puzzle platform game created by Mini Duck Games. Help a family of penguins make a snowman by collecting some snow as you guide the acorn through each level safely. Tap on objects, throw snow balls, and keep moving through the obstacles until you've helped all the penguins and unlocked all the achievements! Avoid enemies like the dangerous boars before they eat Doctor Acorn. Do you want to build a snowman?


Tap or click on an object on the level to interact with it. Make sure the snowman parts fall down so that the penguins can pack and send it to the south pole via the mail box.